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The Art and Science of Retail Location Strategy

  Most of us have heard the common tenet of real estate: location, location, location. More appropriately, for Retail Real Estate it should be revised to location, location, strategy. A good retail location strategy can help achieve long-term success in sales performance, branding, and cost optimization. In light of the imbalance in retail real estate….Continue Reading

Accelerating Corporate Real Estate in India

A recent report from CoreNet Global states that the Corporate Real Estate (CRE) in India has a bumpy road ahead. CRE as a specialized function and profession in India arrived with multinational corporations (MNCs) and their outsourced service providers about a decade ago. In most Indian companies dedicated Corporate Real Estate departments delivering end-to-end services….Continue Reading

2020 Vision for Rhode Island Women

When filling senior management positions, do you require recruiters to present a diverse slate of candidates? Does your Human Resource function conduct a wage audit? What are the greatest obstacle your organization faces in advancing women in leadership roles? These were some of the questions asked in a survey conducted by Vision 2020 Rhode Island….Continue Reading